Thetford Academy student to study Aerospace Engineering following A-level success
Thetford Academy student, Ethan Keen, secures a scholarship at the University of Coventry following his A-level success. We caught up with him about his experience at Academy.
"In a friendly and motivating environment, Thetford Academy Sixth Form gave me a sense of community, developing my character both professionally and personally. By the end of my two years I had built strong relationships with my teachers who took more of a role of mutual respect rather than authority like in lower school, allowing me to feel like an adult and learn in a much more dynamic way.
"The experience, expertise and commitment of the sixth form staff softened the blow when transferring from GCSE to A-Levels and provided the necessary mentoring roles that allowed us to take on responsibilities in a supportive environment.
"Both the maths and physics department provided more than enough support and guidance during my two years of sixth form. This gave me strong foundations within the curriculum, which in turn allowed me to achieve top grades. However, the teaching staff also push for and provide the necessary support for super-curricular interests which I experienced first-hand on a trip to CERN. At CERN I was able to have conversations with industry experts and gain some insight into the professional world and the wonders of my subject field outside of the curriculum.
"During my time at sixth form I was able to participate in an extended project qualification where I was able to manage my own project on a topic of my choice. For this I chose aerospace engineering. During my project I was given weekly contact time with my mentors in both timetabled and relaxed environments, who gave me the necessary guidance to explore my subject free from any curriculum. From this project I was able to design a working aircraft with the technical information and research to support its strengths and flaws.
"Then using the schools DT facilities I was able to become competent at 3D printing which sparked a new interest of mine and allowed me to create my aircraft and also provide the community with face shields during the Covid-19 outbreak. This was done with the support and resources of the school.
"I have now secured a scholarship at a top university and am starting my career path to become an aerospace engineer."