Thetford Academy Students are Acknowledged for Excellence and Showcase Talent at Awards Event
On the evening of Thursday 6th July, Thetford Academy held a Awards Evening to recognise students that have particularly shown outstanding progress or dedication to their studies or extra-curricular activities, or have gone above and beyond for their school community.
Over 400 people attended the event, including students, friends and family, and members of the community. Thetford Academy was delighted to secure two special guest appearances for the event. The Mayor of Thetford presented the Achievements Awards for all Year groups, and Jenny Simpson, the Operations Officer for the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award in West Norfolk, East Cambridgeshire and West Suffolk awarded those who achieved their Bronze, Silver and Gold Award.
The event was a fantastic opportunity for the Food Technology students to showcase their talents, presenting appetisers for the guests, including delicate miniature meringues and quiches. An exhibition of artworks by the students was presented on the walls of the Hall, with a broad range of subject matters and mediums including painting, drawing, photography and sculpture.
Guests were also treated to several live performances from The Thetford Academy’s 15-strong gospel choir, and rock band named ‘Sarcasm’, featuring a singer, drums, guitarists, bass guitarist, piano and saxophone players.
Over 200 students were acknowleged throughout the event, with awards ranging from subject specific to the Principal Awards for Oustanding progress, and the Music Cup award to the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.
Sophie W, who is currently studying her A-Levels at Thomas Paine Sixth Form was awarded her Gold Award. An outstanding achievement which involves volunteering for a period of 12 months, developing a high-level of skill in orienteering, and planning and executing a 4 day expedition. As part of her achievement, Sophie will be attending a Gold Award celebration event at a Royal Palace, attended by a Member of The Royal Family.
The Mayor of Thetford, Stuart Wright said:
“I was delighted to be part of The Thetford Academy Awards Evening. It was great to hear about the progress of individuals as well as the academy as a whole. The involvement of students in the catering, musical entertainment and display of artwork was particularly pleasing. There was a really great atmosphere in the room and it was really uplifting to hear some really positive comments from the parents.”
The Operations Officer for the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award in West Norfolk, East Cambridgeshire and West Suffolk, Jenny Simpson said:
“I was really pleased to be able to attend the Thetford Academy Awards Evening. I was impressed by the array of awards covering every aspect of the curriculum, and to see so many young people’s hard work celebrated with their families, teachers and peers.
I was particularly delighted to see the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award included in the evening, and to see recognition given to those young people who had achieved their award and demonstrated such commitment, resilience and dedication. Taking part in a DofE programme develops so many valuable skills for life and creates lots of fantastic memories. The school run a fantastic programme and all the young people that I had the pleasure of meeting were a huge credit to the school, and I hope that many more pupils are inspired to start their own DofE journey.”
Ellie Blake, Vice Principal at Thetford Academy who led in the organisation of the event said:
“We were really proud to see our pupils showcase a wide range of talents and skills at our Awards Evening. As well as academic excellence across all subjects being celebrated in the awards, it was also it was also fantastic to see the exhibition of pupils outstanding artwork, Year 10 Hospitality and Catering pupils demonstrating their culinary skills by providing the canapés for the evening and wonderful performances from our gospel choir, pianists and our Year 10 band. The evening highlighted how talented and hard working our pupils are at Thetford Academy and it was a privilege to be able to share this with parents.”