Thomas Paine Sixth Form students celebrate 70% A*-C grade A-Levels
Once again, students at Thomas Paine Sixth Form have cause to celebrate as 70% of the A-Level grades they’ve received today are A*-C — a 9% increase from 2023.
Michael Fordham, Principal of Thetford Academy and its sixth form, Thomas Paine said:
“Students at Thetford have had another good year celebrating some excellent A Level results.
We have seen a significant uptick this year in students successfully gaining places at Russell Group university as a consequence of our Gregson Scholars programme.
Almost all our students gained their first-choice university place, with students heading off to study everything from animation to neuroscience. We will them all the very best for the future.”
There were many standout performances from individual students, including those below:
Natalia, who studied chemistry, biology and maths at Thomas Paine, achieved three A*, and is off to study Medicine at Imperial College London.
Natalia said:
“I wasn’t expecting to do so well, I was really worried about maths but I’m very happy with my results and got into my first choice university”.
Josh, who collected his results for photography, media and politics, secured grade A* in photography, and will be attending Norwich University of the Arts to continue the subject.
“It was a relief to see my results today, it’s been great attending both Thetford Academy and Thomas Paine Sixth Form. It has been incredible, and I can’t fault it one bit. The twilight sessions after school saved my grades, I was so lucky to have them available”.
Twins Lauryna and Roberta, who studied business, French, psychology and criminology, and English Language/Literature, media and criminology, respectively, are both going on to study at Liverpool University. Lauryna in law with criminology, and Roberta in criminology.
Lauryna said:
“I did well in the A-levels that I’m going on to do at university, so I’m very happy with my results.”
Roberta added that:
“I got ABC, so I’m just really chuffed that I met the offer, and am going to Liverpool as we both really liked the university. The jump is massive from GCSE, and everyone was really helpful to help identify how best to revise and what your strengths are.”
Open day
Students interested in attending Thomas Paine Sixth Form to study their A-Levels are invited to attend an open day on Thursday 10 October, 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm.