Thetford Academy students celebrate GCSE success

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August 22nd 2024

Thetford Academy students gathered excitedly this morning as they got to finally find out the results of their hard work. 

Students to receive 9-4 grades at both English and maths stood at 53% (38% at grades 9-5.) 

Michael Fordham, Principal at Thetford Academy said: 

“Students at Thetford have had another good year of GCSE results, coming at the end of a challenging journey created by the pandemic. Despite this, students have worked exceptionally hard to get the grades they did and we look forward to welcoming many of our Year 11s into the Thomas Paine Sixth Form to study A Levels, and we wish the best of luck to those heading to college. A special mention must go to four students who will begin apprenticeships with Warren Services in Thetford, a partnership that has been growing for some years”. 

One standout pupil was James, who achieved six Grade 9s, two Grade 8s and two Grade 7s. He will join the Thomas Paine Sixth Form in September to study sciences at A Level.

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